Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Welcome to SHUTTLEBUG Weavers and Spinners Guild - 2024/25.


                                                    The WEAVING ROOM

SHUTTLEBUG is a guild of handweavers and spinners and we meet in the Greenwood Community Centre. We have monthly meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 1:00pm. The monthly meetings are followed by a short programme or presentation on various topics. We also hold several workshops throughout the year. These are usually held at the weekend.

We also have monthly spinning sessions which occur on the last Monday of each month at 10:00am. We welcome new members and membership entitles you to borrow books and equipment from the guild. The yearly membership cost is $50.00.

Members meet on most Mondays to weave starting around 10:00am. We have a variety of looms ranging from table looms, 4 and 8 shaft looms and a 60" and 100" loom. The majority of looms have warps already set to weave or there is a loom for individual projects which you can arrange to use. You can sign up for any of the pre-warped projects. We can also arrange for lessons for members who are beginner weavers. There are many experienced weavers who are very happy to offer assistance when needed. 

Each year we have the President's Challenge. Members show and share their projects at the June meeting. This year's challenge is to make an item in any medium which reflects your cultural background.

To see a wonderful video of our recent open house made by Jonathan Oliver ... 

Just click on the link below and make sure your volume is up on your PC/laptop and on your youtube to enjoy the soundtrack that accompanies it... 



                                Monthly Spinning group

Executive and Leaders 2024/25

President - Christine Shipley

Vice President - Carol Ann White

Past President - Annie Dunleavy

Treasurer - Charlotte Brens

Secretary - Dini Page

Library - Usha Finucane

Loom Projects - Ulla Robinson

History - Alice Keenan

Fiber Focus - Margo Dixon

Programmes & Workshops - Eleanor Franklin and Leslie Sedore

Community Liaison - Jennifer Grundy

Website/Blogger administrator - Brian Dunleavy


If you would like more information or to discuss visiting our guild please contact: 

Christine Shipley - Phone:  647 235-3980  or 

email  christine_shipley@rogers.com